Student Loan Services
Refinance Student Loans & Compare Interest Rates
Why Compare Student Loan Refinance Rates with Credit & Debt®?
Education is expensive, and we’re here to help you save money. With no origination fees, no service fees, and no prepayment penalties, you can compare the best student loan consolidation options and rates, all for free when you sign up for Money Sensei®.
Money Sensei® customizes recommendations specifically for you – tools, suggestions, exclusive offers from our trusted partners, and more!

What You Should Know
Comparing Pre-Qualified Rates is 100% Free.
Our partner lenders do not charge prepayment penalties, loan application fees, or origination fees.
You Can Check Pre-Qualified Rates From Multiple Lenders in Just 3 Minutes.
Checking rates is free and will not impact your credit score.
You Can Refinance Federal, Private, and ParentPLUS Loans.
If you refinance federal student loans, you’ll lose certain benefits — including currently suspended payments and interest rates from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). However, you may benefit from refinancing Private Student Loans.
Are You Ready to Talk to a Coach?
Our qualified financial coaches can help you reduce debt, consolidate your payments, and avoid bankruptcy. We’ll help you reach your financial goals with a custom-tailored debt solution that works for you.