Student Loan Services
Find the Right Private Loans For College
When you hit federal loan limits, a private student loan can help you cover additional education costs. If you’re a student or a co-signer, you can browse your options in our dashboard — including eligibility rules, rates, and terms.
Why Compare Student Loan Options with Credit & Debt®?
We’re here to help you pay for an education. With no origination fees, no service fees, and no repayment penalties, you can compare the best private student loan options and rates, all for free when you sign up for Money Sensei®.
Money Sensei® customizes recommendations specifically for you – tools, suggestions, exclusive offers from our trusted partners, and more!

What You Should Know
You’re 3x More Likely to Qualify for a Loan With a Co-Signer.
Students with little credit history should consider adding a co-signer to their loan.
Multiple Repayment Options Will Be Available to You.
Lenders may offer immediate repayment, interest-only payment, partial interest payment, or full deferment.
There Are No Repayment Penalties.
If you choose to pay off your loans faster, you won’t be penalized.
Are You Ready to Talk to a Coach?
Our qualified financial coaches can help you reduce debt, consolidate your payments, and avoid bankruptcy. We’ll help you reach your financial goals with a custom-tailored debt solution that works for you.